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Biden Administration Secures Voluntary Commitments from Major AI Developers for Safety and Transparency

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The Biden administration has secured “voluntary commitments” from seven major AI developers to prioritize safety and transparency in their AI systems. The White House is concerned about the rapid advancement of AI technology and aims to establish guidelines before substantive legislation can be put in place.

The seven companies that have made these commitments are Amazon, Google, IBM, Microsoft, Facebook, Salesforce, and Apple. These companies have agreed to follow a set of principles that include ensuring the safety and reliability of AI systems, being transparent about the limitations and potential biases of AI, and promoting the responsible use of AI technology.

The commitments also include sharing best practices and collaborating with the government and other stakeholders to address the challenges and risks associated with AI. The companies will establish internal governance structures to oversee the implementation of these principles and will provide regular updates on their progress.

The Biden administration sees these voluntary commitments as a step towards establishing a framework for AI regulation. While substantive legislation may still be years away, the administration believes that these commitments will help shape the development and deployment of AI systems in a way that prioritizes safety, fairness, and accountability.

Top things to Know

– The Biden administration has secured “voluntary commitments” from seven major AI developers, including Amazon, Google, IBM, Microsoft, Facebook, Salesforce, and Apple.
– These companies have agreed to prioritize safety and transparency in their AI systems.
– The commitments include ensuring the safety and reliability of AI systems, being transparent about limitations and biases, and promoting responsible use of AI technology.
– The companies will establish internal governance structures to oversee the implementation of these principles.
– The Biden administration sees these commitments as a step towards establishing a framework for AI regulation.

Original article:

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