
Challenges Faced by Large Companies with API Sprawl

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A recent survey conducted by Postman, a leading API development platform, has revealed that large companies with over 5,000 developers are struggling with API sprawl. The survey, which included responses from over 13,500 developers and IT professionals, highlights the challenges faced by organizations in managing and maintaining their APIs.

API sprawl refers to the proliferation of APIs within an organization, often resulting from the decentralized nature of API development and usage. As companies grow and adopt more digital technologies, the number of APIs they use also increases, leading to a complex and fragmented API landscape.

The survey found that 75% of respondents from large companies reported having more than 200 APIs in their organization, with 37% having over 1,000 APIs. This high number of APIs makes it difficult for companies to effectively manage and govern their API ecosystem.

One of the key challenges identified in the survey is the lack of visibility into API usage and dependencies. Over 60% of respondents stated that they struggle to understand the impact of changes made to APIs, leading to potential disruptions and downtime. This lack of visibility also makes it challenging to identify and address security vulnerabilities in APIs.

Another issue highlighted by the survey is the difficulty in discovering and reusing existing APIs. Nearly 70% of respondents reported that they struggle to find and reuse APIs within their organization, resulting in duplicated efforts and wasted resources. This lack of API reuse not only hampers productivity but also leads to inconsistencies and inconsistencies in the overall API landscape.

The survey also revealed that large companies face challenges in ensuring API quality and performance. Over 50% of respondents reported experiencing issues related to API performance, such as slow response times and high error rates. These performance issues can have a significant impact on the overall user experience and can result in lost revenue and customer dissatisfaction.

Top things to Know

– Large companies with over 5,000 developers are struggling with API sprawl.
– 75% of respondents from large companies reported having more than 200 APIs in their organization.
– 37% of respondents from large companies reported having over 1,000 APIs.
– Lack of visibility into API usage and dependencies is a key challenge for large companies.
– Over 60% of respondents struggle to understand the impact of changes made to APIs.
– Nearly 70% of respondents struggle to find and reuse APIs within their organization.
– Large companies face challenges in ensuring API quality and performance.
– Over 50% of respondents reported experiencing issues related to API performance.

Original article:

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