
Twitter rebranding to “X” boosts Mastodon usage

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Twitter’s decision to change its branding to “X” has led to a surge in usage for its open-source rival, Mastodon. Mastodon, an alternative to Twitter, has seen a steady increase in monthly active users, according to its founder and CEO, Eugen Rochko.

Rochko’s recent post reveals that Mastodon’s user base has been growing steadily over the past few months. This surge in usage can be attributed to Twitter’s rebranding and the subsequent dissatisfaction among some users.

Mastodon is an open-source social media platform that offers a decentralized network. It allows users to create their own communities, known as “instances,” and connect with others who share similar interests. This decentralized approach gives users more control over their data and the ability to moderate their own communities.

Twitter’s decision to change its branding to “X” has been met with mixed reactions. While some users appreciate the fresh look, others have criticized the move as unnecessary and confusing. This dissatisfaction has led many users to explore alternative platforms like Mastodon.

Rochko’s post highlights the growing interest in Mastodon as an alternative to Twitter. He notes that the number of monthly active users on Mastodon has increased by 20% in the past two months alone. This growth is a significant milestone for the platform, which has been steadily gaining traction since its launch in 2016.

Mastodon’s rise in popularity can be attributed to several factors. Firstly, its decentralized nature appeals to users who are concerned about privacy and data ownership. With Mastodon, users have more control over their personal information and can choose to join communities that align with their values.

Secondly, Mastodon offers a more customizable and user-friendly experience compared to Twitter. Users can create their own instances and tailor their experience to their preferences. This flexibility has attracted users who are looking for a more personalized social media experience.

Lastly, Mastodon’s open-source nature has allowed for the development of a vibrant and diverse community. Users can contribute to the platform’s development and suggest new features, fostering a sense of ownership and collaboration.

Top things to Know

– Twitter’s rebranding to “X” has led to a surge in usage for Mastodon, an open-source alternative to the platform.
– Mastodon’s user base has been steadily growing, with a 20% increase in monthly active users in the past two months.
– Mastodon’s decentralized network and customizable experience appeal to users who are concerned about privacy and data ownership.
– The platform’s open-source nature has fostered a vibrant and diverse community, allowing users to contribute to its development.
– Mastodon offers users more control over their personal information and the ability to join communities that align with their values.

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