
Voltpost: Retrofitting Streetlight Lampposts for Electric Vehicle Chargers

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Voltpost, a UK-based startup, is aiming to retrofit streetlight lampposts to accommodate electric vehicle (EV) chargers. The company believes it has an advantage in a crowded market by offering a cost-effective and efficient solution for cities looking to expand their EV charging infrastructure.

Voltpost’s technology allows for the installation of EV chargers on existing streetlight lampposts, eliminating the need for additional infrastructure and reducing costs. The company claims that its solution is up to 70% cheaper than traditional charging infrastructure installations.

The retrofitting process involves replacing the existing streetlight head with a Voltpost unit that incorporates an EV charger. The unit is designed to be easily installed and maintained, with minimal disruption to the surrounding area.

Voltpost’s solution also addresses the issue of limited space in urban areas. By utilizing existing streetlight infrastructure, cities can maximize the use of available space and avoid the need for additional land or parking spaces for EV charging stations.

The company is currently working with several local authorities in the UK to pilot its technology. It aims to install its EV chargers on thousands of streetlight lampposts across the country in the coming years.

Top things to Know

– Voltpost is a UK-based startup offering a retrofit solution for streetlight lampposts to accommodate EV chargers.
– The company’s technology allows for the installation of EV chargers on existing streetlight infrastructure, eliminating the need for additional infrastructure and reducing costs.
– Voltpost claims that its solution is up to 70% cheaper than traditional charging infrastructure installations.
– The retrofitting process involves replacing the existing streetlight head with a Voltpost unit that incorporates an EV charger.
– Voltpost’s solution addresses the issue of limited space in urban areas by utilizing existing streetlight infrastructure.
– The company is currently working with several local authorities in the UK to pilot its technology.
– Voltpost aims to install its EV chargers on thousands of streetlight lampposts across the country in the coming years.

Original article:

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