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Pokémon Sleep: Track Your Sleep and Get Rewarded


Pokémon Sleep, a new app that aims to turn sleep into entertainment, has been launched in the U.S. The app tracks users’ sleep patterns and rewards them for getting a good night’s rest. Pokémon Sleep is part of a larger initiative by The Pokémon Company to promote healthy lifestyles and well-being.

Key Points:

• Pokémon Sleep is an app that tracks users’ sleep patterns and rewards them for getting enough sleep.
• The app is part of a larger initiative by The Pokémon Company to promote healthy lifestyles and well-being.
• Pokémon Sleep uses a device called the Pokémon Go Plus +, which is a sleep tracker that connects to the app via Bluetooth.
• The app will also sync with the popular game Pokémon Go, allowing users to earn rewards in both games.
• The Pokémon Company plans to release the app in 2020 and is partnering with Select Button, a game development studio, to create it.
• Pokémon Sleep is seen as a continuation of the Pokémon Go phenomenon, which encouraged players to get out and explore their surroundings.

Hot Take:

Pokémon Sleep is an interesting concept that combines the popularity of Pokémon with the growing interest in sleep tracking and wellness. By gamifying sleep and rewarding users for getting enough rest, the app may encourage healthier sleep habits among its users. It will be interesting to see how the app is received and if it can have a positive impact on people’s sleep patterns.


Pokémon Sleep is a new app that aims to make sleep more entertaining by tracking users’ sleep patterns and rewarding them for getting enough rest. As part of a larger initiative to promote healthy lifestyles, the app is an interesting combination of technology, gaming, and wellness. By gamifying sleep, Pokémon Sleep may encourage users to prioritize their sleep and develop healthier sleep habits.

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