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Save Money on Household Bills with AI-Powered Assistant:’s Innovative Solution


UK-based cost-of-living start-up has launched an OpenAI-powered assistant to help users save money on their household bills. The assistant combines Generative AI technology from OpenAI with’s proprietary systems to provide personalized recommendations and advice on reducing expenses. The goal is to help users optimize their spending and find ways to save money.

Key Points:

  •, a UK start-up focused on cost-of-living, has introduced an OpenAI-powered assistant to help users save money on household bills.
  • The assistant combines Generative AI technology from OpenAI with’s proprietary systems.
  • By analyzing users’ spending patterns and bills, the assistant provides personalized recommendations and advice on reducing expenses.
  • The goal is to help users optimize their spending and find ways to save money on their household bills.
  •’s assistant is part of a growing trend of AI-powered tools that aim to help individuals manage their finances more effectively.

Hot Take:

The launch of’s OpenAI-powered assistant demonstrates the increasing use of AI technology to tackle everyday challenges. By leveraging Generative AI and proprietary systems, the assistant offers personalized recommendations to help users save money on household bills. This innovation highlights the potential of AI in optimizing personal finance and cost-of-living management.


As technology continues to advance, AI-powered tools like’s assistant have the potential to revolutionize how individuals manage their finances. By harnessing the power of AI, users can receive personalized recommendations and advice to optimize their spending and save money on household bills. This development is a promising step towards a more efficient and cost-effective approach to everyday expenses.

Original article:

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