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AMC Theaters Abandons Tiered Pricing System “Sightline”: Top Things to Know

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AMC Theaters has decided to abandon its tiered pricing system, called “Sightline,” which charged more for preferred seats and less for front row ones. The plan was being tested in three U.S. markets since March but did not result in increased patronage of front row seating.

AMC Theaters, one of the largest movie theater chains in the United States, had been experimenting with a new pricing strategy called “Sightline.” The plan involved charging more for preferred seats, such as those in the middle or back of the theater, and less for front row seats. The goal was to incentivize moviegoers to choose seats that were traditionally less popular.

However, after testing the tiered pricing system in three U.S. markets since March, AMC Theaters has decided to abandon the plan. The company reported “little or no increase in patronage of front row seating, despite a reduction in price.”

The tiered pricing system was met with mixed reactions from moviegoers. Some appreciated the opportunity to save money by choosing front row seats, while others felt that it was unfair to charge more for preferred seats. The plan also faced criticism for potentially creating confusion and slowing down the ticketing process.

AMC Theaters has not provided specific reasons for discontinuing the Sightline pricing system. However, it is likely that the lack of increased patronage for front row seating played a significant role in the decision.

Top things to Know

– AMC Theaters has abandoned its tiered pricing system, called “Sightline,” which charged more for preferred seats and less for front row ones.
– The plan was being tested in three U.S. markets since March but did not result in increased patronage of front row seating.
– The tiered pricing system received mixed reactions from moviegoers.
– Some appreciated the opportunity to save money by choosing front row seats, while others felt it was unfair to charge more for preferred seats.
– The plan faced criticism for potentially creating confusion and slowing down the ticketing process.
– AMC Theaters has not provided specific reasons for discontinuing the Sightline pricing system.

Original article:

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