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CleanHub: Preventing Plastic Pollution with Track-and-Trace System

In The News

CleanHub, a company focused on reducing plastic waste in the ocean, has developed a business model and track-and-trace system to ensure that brands can prevent their plastics from ending up in the ocean. The company aims to address the growing concern over plastic pollution and provide a solution for brands looking to reduce their environmental impact.

CleanHub’s track-and-trace system allows brands to monitor the entire lifecycle of their plastic products, from production to disposal. By implementing this system, brands can ensure that their plastics are properly managed and recycled, rather than being discarded and potentially ending up in the ocean.

The company works with waste management facilities and recycling partners to ensure that plastics are properly collected, sorted, and recycled. CleanHub also collaborates with local communities and organizations to raise awareness about plastic pollution and promote sustainable practices.

CleanHub’s business model involves partnering with brands that are committed to reducing their plastic waste. These brands pay a fee to CleanHub, which is used to fund the company’s initiatives and support its mission of preventing plastic pollution in the ocean.

CleanHub also offers a certification program for brands that meet certain sustainability criteria. This certification helps brands demonstrate their commitment to environmental responsibility and attract environmentally-conscious consumers.

Top things to Know

– CleanHub is a company focused on reducing plastic waste in the ocean.
– The company has developed a track-and-trace system to ensure that brands can prevent their plastics from ending up in the ocean.
– CleanHub works with waste management facilities and recycling partners to properly manage and recycle plastics.
– The company collaborates with local communities and organizations to raise awareness about plastic pollution and promote sustainable practices.
– CleanHub’s business model involves partnering with brands that are committed to reducing their plastic waste.
– Brands pay a fee to CleanHub, which is used to fund the company’s initiatives and support its mission of preventing plastic pollution in the ocean.
– CleanHub offers a certification program for brands that meet certain sustainability criteria.

Original article:

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