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Futureverse: Empowering Brands in the Open Metaverse

In The News

Futureverse, a startup based in Los Angeles, is developing tools to help brands create content for the metaverse. However, their vision of the metaverse differs from the one that Meta (formerly Facebook) is promoting. While Meta’s metaverse is focused on virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) experiences, Futureverse is building tools for the open metaverse, which is a more decentralized and interconnected virtual world.

Futureverse aims to provide brands with the ability to create immersive experiences and engage with users in the metaverse. They believe that the metaverse should be an open platform where users have control over their data and can freely move between different virtual worlds. Their tools will enable brands to build content that can be accessed across various metaverse platforms, ensuring compatibility and reach.

The startup is led by co-founders Alex Chuang and Michael Chang, who have experience in the gaming and technology industries. They envision a future where the metaverse becomes an integral part of people’s lives, offering opportunities for social interaction, entertainment, and commerce.

Top things to Know

Here are the key points from the article:

– Futureverse is a startup based in Los Angeles that is developing tools for brands to create content for the metaverse.
– Their vision of the metaverse differs from Meta’s (formerly Facebook) focus on VR and AR experiences.
– Futureverse is building tools for the open metaverse, which is a more decentralized and interconnected virtual world.
– The startup aims to provide brands with the ability to create immersive experiences and engage with users in the metaverse.
– They believe in an open platform where users have control over their data and can freely move between different virtual worlds.
– Futureverse’s tools will ensure compatibility and reach across various metaverse platforms.
– The co-founders, Alex Chuang and Michael Chang, have experience in the gaming and technology industries.
– They envision a future where the metaverse becomes an integral part of people’s lives, offering opportunities for social interaction, entertainment, and commerce.

Original article:

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