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Israeli Tech Leaders Unite for Democracy: Over 200 Sign Open Letter

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Israel’s high-tech sector is known for its innovation and success on the global stage. However, it is not just about technological advancements; the sector also stands united in its commitment to safeguard democratic values. This commitment was recently highlighted in an open letter signed by over 200 Israeli tech executives, entrepreneurs, and investors.

The letter, titled “Tech Workers for Democracy,” was published in response to the rise of right-wing extremism and the erosion of democratic norms in Israel. It called on the tech community to take a stand against these threats and to use their influence and resources to promote democracy and social justice.

The signatories of the letter represent a wide range of companies and organizations in the Israeli tech sector, including startups, venture capital firms, and multinational corporations. They include prominent figures such as the CEO of Wix, the co-founder of Mobileye, and the chairman of Check Point Software Technologies.

The letter emphasizes the importance of democratic values in fostering innovation and economic growth. It states that “democracy is the foundation of our success as a high-tech nation” and that “the erosion of democratic norms threatens our ability to innovate, attract talent, and compete globally.”

The signatories also express concern about the growing influence of right-wing extremism in Israeli politics and society. They argue that this extremism undermines the principles of equality, tolerance, and diversity that are essential for a thriving tech ecosystem.

The letter calls on the tech community to take concrete actions to promote democracy and social justice. It suggests several steps that companies and individuals can take, including:

1. Supporting organizations that promote democratic values and human rights.
2. Investing in initiatives that promote social equality and inclusion.
3. Providing resources and mentorship to underrepresented groups in the tech industry.
4. Promoting ethical practices and responsible use of technology.
5. Speaking out against hate speech, discrimination, and incitement to violence.

The letter also calls on tech workers to use their platforms and influence to advocate for democratic values. It encourages them to engage in public discourse, support democratic candidates and parties, and use their expertise to address social and political challenges.

The response to the letter has been overwhelmingly positive, with many praising the tech community for taking a stand on these important issues. The signatories hope that their collective voice will inspire others in the sector to join the cause and work towards a more inclusive and democratic Israel.

Top things to Know

– Over 200 Israeli tech executives, entrepreneurs, and investors have signed an open letter titled “Tech Workers for Democracy.”
– The letter calls on the tech community to take a stand against right-wing extremism and to promote democracy and social justice.
– The signatories represent a wide range of companies and organizations in the Israeli tech sector.
– The letter emphasizes the importance of democratic values in fostering innovation and economic growth.
– It suggests several concrete actions that companies and individuals can take to promote democracy and social justice.
– The response to the letter has been overwhelmingly positive, with many praising the tech community for taking a stand on these important issues.

Original article:

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